My work focuses on studying disease relevant proteins in as close to physiological conditions as possible. We pursue new and exciting biophysics and focus on answering questions not specific techniques. Despite being trained as an NMR spectroscopist, I am passionate about being a jack of all trades and picking the best technique to address the question at hand.
Glycan targeting antiviralsDuring the Covid-19 Pandemic, Alex became interested in the biophysical and mechanistic principles of glycan targeting antiviral molecules such as microbial lectins. The Guseman lab will combine biophysical and virological experiments to understand the principles of glycan recognition and the mechanisms of glycan targeting antivirals.
This will be the primary focus of the research group during the first few years! |
Advancements in 19F BioNMR and its applications to physiologically relevant biophysics and In cell NMR |